
Showing posts from January 30, 2022

February 1-3

 Met with the oncologist yesterday. Next chemo is February 14th. Yuck. 2 more to go.  Not sleeping well. Anna feels really bad from the radiation pain nowadays. The Radiologist described it as a fresh sun burn inside of you. Trying to eat better with better quality foods. We went down a sugar/sweets path for a few weeks there just to keep the weight on. The holistic Oncologist really stressed fruits and vegetables at every meal.  We’re constantly diffusing lavender for sleep and white blood cells, tea tree to keep the air clean and fennel for nausea. At night we rub frankincense or myrrh on her pulse points.  If you have any suggestions on natural remedies for chemo/radiation patients please add them below! Be sure to add your name if you’re an anonymous account.  Dont be afraid to ask questions, too!

Laying low

Anna felt pretty good yesterday and didnt have too hard of a time eating all weekend.  Today we went for breakfast at Wake Up & Eat after this morning’s radiation appointment. We split a waffle, french toast, bacon and a breakfast burrito! Afterward, she enjoyed a nice morning in the warm sun and even managed to walk around her yard.  Mercedes leaves tonight so little David will be here Tuesday and Wednesday to take her to multiple appointments on both days.  At this point we’re just living for each day and trying to get through the next week of radiation without complications. Then we’ll tackle the last two rounds of chemo.