
Showing posts from 2022

Almost out of the woods

Anna is 1 week out from round 3 of chemo (one more to go next month). She felt bad Saturday and *really* bad Sunday night, but so far, as of Monday evening, she is feeling OK.  Her whole body hurts and when we ask how she feels she says, “yucky” or “terrible”. Any mild effort is met with exhaustion and extreme dizziness, but she is able to fold laundry and even cook a light meal on occasion.  We don’t know if the homemade bone broth and dinners packed with omega 3s helped, but if we are almost out of the woods on this round we are grateful to God for his blessings.  We spend a lot of time reading, talking and listening to music in her little sitting room. We usually enjoy the sun and relax. Today was gloomy, but she was enjoying the birds huddled around a bird feeder we put up a few weeks ago so I snapped a picture.  She hopes to attend church next week if she continues to improve before then.


 Today the chemo is kicking in. Anna describes it as pain from someone giving you a swift hard kick in the stomach. She’s extremely fatigued and a little dizzy. She’s still not sleeping well at night,but taking 2 naps a day.  We are trying to load up on foods that will increase her White Blood Count. It may not be enough, but we hope it will help.  We are loading her up on fish for omega-3s and homemade bone broth with leeks, celery, broccoli. We use it in as many meals as we can and at times, she’ll drink it from a mug.  A few weeks ago she received a large box of processed TV dinners from her health insurer. While we can appreciate the act we continue to be perplexed by the healthcare system’s choices. Needless to say, we’re sticking to fresh, natural foods as much as we can. 

Chemo Round 3 complete

Anna is done with the third round of chemo. Now we brace for the inevitable decline of white blood cells that will start this Friday and last until Monday/Tuesday. We are praying we don’t have to make a trip to the ER like we did the first two times, but we’ll go if we have to. She’s been feeling great so far, but that is always short-lived after the 3rd day.  The clinic is large and it always concerns us that there are so many pods for chemo infusions in this little town. 

Update: Chemo Round 3

It’s been a quiet few weeks. Radiation ended last Tuesday and since then Anna has felt really good. The last few radiation treatments were “boosted” so we were bracing for pain, but all she noticed was sensitive teeth, which we did not expect.  The chemo from January had worn off and most days were spent laying low and eating well. She even went to church twice (we weren’t too happy about that because of the risk).  There’s some worry about her white blood cells again. The Radiologist noted the issue on her last day of radiation (they drew her blood that day). Even her pre-chemo blood draw a few days later, on the 11th, was below the acceptable range. Low WBC makes chemo risky because they crash 5-7 days later. If you go in with a deficit the drop can be more dangerous. Luckily, Monday morning (the 14th) she had improved enough to complete the scheduled chemo infusion at 745AM. But not by much. Not the start to a Valentine's Day you would expect! Anna's chemo regimen is 2 infus


Things are moving along. For now we’re riding out the days while feeling ok post-chemo. Anna is on a 4 week cycle to help ease the pain and sickness associated with chemo so the next week wont be as bad. However, we have 2 more radiation appointments left and the pain is raw. Please send prayers.

February 1-3

 Met with the oncologist yesterday. Next chemo is February 14th. Yuck. 2 more to go.  Not sleeping well. Anna feels really bad from the radiation pain nowadays. The Radiologist described it as a fresh sun burn inside of you. Trying to eat better with better quality foods. We went down a sugar/sweets path for a few weeks there just to keep the weight on. The holistic Oncologist really stressed fruits and vegetables at every meal.  We’re constantly diffusing lavender for sleep and white blood cells, tea tree to keep the air clean and fennel for nausea. At night we rub frankincense or myrrh on her pulse points.  If you have any suggestions on natural remedies for chemo/radiation patients please add them below! Be sure to add your name if you’re an anonymous account.  Dont be afraid to ask questions, too!

Laying low

Anna felt pretty good yesterday and didnt have too hard of a time eating all weekend.  Today we went for breakfast at Wake Up & Eat after this morning’s radiation appointment. We split a waffle, french toast, bacon and a breakfast burrito! Afterward, she enjoyed a nice morning in the warm sun and even managed to walk around her yard.  Mercedes leaves tonight so little David will be here Tuesday and Wednesday to take her to multiple appointments on both days.  At this point we’re just living for each day and trying to get through the next week of radiation without complications. Then we’ll tackle the last two rounds of chemo.

Staying hydrated

Today was like the last few days… nausea, fatigue and pain.  It was so cold we didn’t even step outside. Little David came by and hung out for a few hours which was a nice addition to an uneventful day. Anna managed to eat a decent breakfast and a bowl of pasta for dinner and didn’t have to take any Magic Mouthwash or Tylenol!  It’s hard to stay hydrated or eat so we’re finding ways to cheat. Cancer patients need a gallon of water and plenty of calories every day. Our mom uses this jug to measure and we’re trying to bulk up with protein shakes and Boost drinks to supplement calories.

Riding out the days

Anna has 7 more radiation treatments and 2 rounds of chemo to go. Then we do the scans and procedures to see if the treatments have been successful (pray).  In the meantime we lay low spending our days going to doctor appointments, napping, reading, eating and watching movies. After the hospital visit we are extra careful not to do much in an effort to minimize the amount of germs or illnesses that float around stores, banks, gas stations, etc. Anna is enjoying our company which we hope helps pass the time. After noticing a vast difference between her skin (pale and dull) and ours the other day we have made the extra effort to get her in the sun again. It’s been cold, but we make it work!

Chemo and radiation taking their toll

We are 3 weeks into radiation and just coming off a second round of chemo and Anna is not feeling well. The chemo from last Monday is wearing off, but the radiation is taking it's toll. She is finally feeling the raw pain of constant radiation. We are trying to balance a mixture of Magic Mouthwash, 2 separate nausea pills every 3 hours and 650 milligrams of Tylenol on occasion to ease the discomfort and pain.  Most days are spent sleeping. Nights are spent awake taking pills or using the restroom (she's drinking a gallon of water each day). She wakes up dizzy sometimes so we are always on standby.  We've resorted to writing down the times she is taking her medicine because it's hard to keep up. She's starting to struggle taking the pills. The radiologist said she was doing really well and didn't think she would need a feeding tube, but we have 2 weeks to go so we are just praying she gets through this. 

Post ER visit

 It's been 4 days since our mom left the emergency room. Her tests were good, but the PA found a small spot on her lung, which they believe is a residual of COVID. She was given 2 antibiotics that are upsetting her stomach, but hopefully helping to wipe out any infection. The antibiotics also help boost her immune system, which is so important 5-7 days out from a chemo infusion when they tend to nosedive.  We are trying to get her to eat and she managed to put down a Whopper, which she woke up craving on Tuesday. At 750 calories a piece we are hoping to get her to eat more! It's important to keep the weight on right now. The next two weeks are going to be rough. 

Trip to the ER

 After feeling pretty bad for a few days and having a hard time swallowing our mom went to the ER yesterday to look into the pain in her upper stomach. The radiation may be aggravating it, but we cant say for sure. Luckily, all of her tests looked good and she made it home 5 hours later. For now we’ll focus on softer foods and plenty of liquids.  This is a crucial time as her white blood cells plummet for a few days. Day 5-7 post-chemo is tough and infection is risky. Please continue to pray and check in here for updates.  Most days Anna is exhausted so please leave your loving comments here and be patient if you don’t hear back from her. She loves the support, but has a hard time responding to everyone. Each of you is appreciated. Hopefully, this blog will continue to answer many of your questions and concerns. Feel free to ask any questions here on the blog and we will help get them answered. 


Anna’s ready for some downtime. She’s been very tired today and has had significant difficulty swallowing. The radiation therapy is causing lots of inflammation in her esophagus. She’s trying her best to stay hydrated, and keeping her diet soft. Thank you for all your prayers. 


Anna felt good on this snowy Friday! She had lots of energy to make lunch for the grandkids and spend time with Debby, Kevin, & David. We know after 3 days of chemo and 5 days of radiation this week, her energy will start to fade.  We were very grateful for this spurt of energy today. Anna has had trouble sleeping this week. She’s been trying melatonin and lavender in the diffuser. 

A manicure always feels right

Anna was feeling good after chemo today! We stopped for a manicure on the way home. It was so nice to enjoy a little bit of normalcy together. 

Chemo Round 2

We started early with a virtual visit with the oncologist and radiation therapy that included a follow-up appt with the Dr. Then we were off to Concord for what we call the 'Long Day' of Chemo. Wednesday and Thursday will be much shorter as Anna only gets 1 Chemo Drug in the chair on those days. We kept ourselves busy with wigs! These are the only wig pics Anna would let onto the Blog... although there was a blonde option that I thought made her look SO MUCH like Tina Turner! Maybe if you ask nicely, she will share it with you 😀. Thank you for all the messages! Especially on days like today, when we're stuck in the hospital for most of the day, your thoughts truly help to ease Anna's mind and keep her positive! Anna is still very fatigued and doesn't have much of an appetite. Her doctors are really pushing her to eat lots of fattening foods- thankfully the cafe had fresh pecan pie today! She's controlling her nausea by doubling up on medication, and we will sta

Snow Day- reschedule

SNOW DAY!! Anna's appointments were all moved for today. With this little setback we were able to spend some time enjoying the sun and beauty of the snow. Chemo is going to be Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday this week. Radiation was pushed back until 11:00am today. Did we tell you The Smiths came up this weekend?  Having them here helped lift Grandma's spirits. The Boys were SUPER excited to experience some of this NC weather, too. Do you like their snowmen? 😊

Lysol, masks and vitamins, oh my!

  We’re trying really hard to keep things clean, including our bodies! Getting Covid was not a pleasant journey, but it was a reminder of how vulnerable our Mom’s body is.  In addition to taking vitamins, we are constantly cleaning the walls, air, doors, etc.  Anna takes her supplements and nausea medications every day and we try to keep meals, fresh, organic and diverse. Every day is unpredictable, but our Mom is trying to eat as much as she can while staying as safe as possible 

Back to radiation

Started radiation again this week. The week off was nice even though we were fighting Covid with extremely low white blood cells.  In order for us to return to Oncology my mom had to get two negative Covid tests, which we completed this week.  Round 2 with chemo is Monday. Not looking forward to it, but grateful for feeling ok this week. My mom even managed to take a few walks in the sun!

The little things

Many of you have been asking what you can do to help. Thank you so much! Our mom is in great hands, but if you are willing, she would love kind notes, funny cards and extra prayers! One thing we do to make her smile is have fresh flowers in the house every week. 

On the mend

 I had to share this picture! 3 days after Anna was released from the hospital she felt great (comparatively) and was craving a NY Strip with carmelized onions and white rice (the stuffed clam was a bonus!). She even had a small sip of red wine. It was all delicious! This was the first time I had seen her smile and eat a whole meal in over a week.

Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for visiting our mom's health blog! We are all grateful for the support, prayers and well wishes each of you have sent to our mother, Anna Price. The love for our mother is overwhelming, but we aren't surprised! Our mom is an awesome and strong woman.   Today she feels great. Other than the sores in her mouth (caused by chemo and radiation) and some mild stomach discomfort, she is in great spirits. Praise God. We had a beautiful Christmas with all of the grandchildren. We played games, laughed and enjoyed every minute together. Unfortunately, Covid ripped through the house on December 26th and cut our trips short. Everyone cleared out, but I (Mercedes) stayed to make sure she was ok. Our mom was diagnosed with Covid on December 29th and ended up in the hospital by New Years Eve. She was released on January 3rd. Thank goodness she is strong and has recovered, but chemotherapy and radiation are back on the table so hopefully this blog will help each of you stay updated