Chemo and radiation taking their toll

We are 3 weeks into radiation and just coming off a second round of chemo and Anna is not feeling well. The chemo from last Monday is wearing off, but the radiation is taking it's toll. She is finally feeling the raw pain of constant radiation. We are trying to balance a mixture of Magic Mouthwash, 2 separate nausea pills every 3 hours and 650 milligrams of Tylenol on occasion to ease the discomfort and pain. 

Most days are spent sleeping. Nights are spent awake taking pills or using the restroom (she's drinking a gallon of water each day). She wakes up dizzy sometimes so we are always on standby. 

We've resorted to writing down the times she is taking her medicine because it's hard to keep up. She's starting to struggle taking the pills. The radiologist said she was doing really well and didn't think she would need a feeding tube, but we have 2 weeks to go so we are just praying she gets through this. 


  1. Prayers that God wraps his healing arms around Anna, getting her through these next couple of weeks without needing a feeding tube, that the mouthwash gives her at least some relief, and that the radiation does what it is needed to do. Praying for St. Peregrine's intercession.


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